Swimming Pool Accidents


There are, sadly, numerous swimming pool accidents and deaths related to drowning that occur every year. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ten people die every day from drowning, and 2 out of the 10 are children under 14 years old. Drowning is ranked fifth in leading causes of unintentional injury death in the United States. The CDC states that swimming pool accidents, that do not result in a fatality, can still cause severe injuries, including long-term disabilities like memory problems, learning disabilities and a permanent vegetative state.
The primary cause of swimming pool accidents is usually the result of swimming pool owners or operators’ negligence. The proprietors of the pools, including, spas, resorts hotels, homeowners, water parks, schools and public pools are all required to provide a swimming pool that is safe for the general public.

The biggest causes of a swimming pool accidents are:

  • Defective drains
  • Contaminated water
  • Inadequate lifeguard supervision
  • Defective/ inadequate safety equipment
  • Overcrowding
  • Inadequate warning signs
  • Ineffective barriers around the swimming pool

Premises Liability Lawyers in Chicago

If you or a love done has suffered an injury or death from a swimming pool incident, you may be eligible for compensation with a premises liability or wrongful death lawsuit against the swimming pool owner or operator. The swimming pool owners have a legal obligation to provide safe conditions for their pool for anyone to enjoy on their property, and failure to do so can make them liable for injuries.

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