Falling Merchandise


Retailer and warehouse stores tend to sell large amounts of merchandise, and therefore, those companies are stocking the large quantities of merchandise goods at extremely high altitudes, which can cause the goods to fall and injure the consumers. If you or a loved one sustained an injury from a falling merchandise accident, our Chicago premises liability lawyers can assist you with your case.

Falling merchandise accidents occur primarily because:

  • A consumer tried to remove merchandise from a top shelf, and there was no help from a store worker
  • An employee dropped the merchandise items while retrieving or stacking the goods
  • The merchandise was not placed properly on a shelf

The store owner may be held liable, in cases where a customer suffered injuries from falling merchandise. Premises liability requires owners of an establishment to ensure that their property is safe for others.

Premises Liability Lawyers in Illinois

Numerous retailers have insurance policies that will cover any accidents resulting from their negligence, which can encompass falling merchandise accidents. Fitz Law has the experienced falling merchandise liability lawyers, with their vast experience working with insurance companies will be your strong advocators in getting a favorable settlement for your injuries.

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