Elevator Accidents


Although elevators and escalators are a convenient mode of transportation in an apartment building, office or mall, they can become incredibly dangerous if they fail to work properly and malfunction, since they can cause serious injuries. You may be able to take legal action against the building owners, and maintenance company if you received injuries that were the result of elevator or escalator accident. If an elevator or escalator is not properly maintained, there are incredibly severe injuries that can happen, such as:

  • Paralysis
  • Back injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Joint damage-knees, elbows, wrists and ankles

Death can also occur in cases of extremely severe accidents. If a loved one suffered from an elevator or escalator accident that resulted in a death, you may able to file for wrongful death.

Premises Liability Lawyers in Chicago

Fitz Law has the experienced Chicago, Illinois premises liability lawyers who have the necessary expertise in elevator and escalator accidents, to assist you with your personal injury case. We have extensive knowledge of the complex legal issues that surround a premises liability case, and will be your strong advocator.

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