

According to OSHA, electrocution accidents on construction sites are the third most common cause of death to construction workers in America. The severity of the injury depends on the strength of the current and voltage as well as how long the victim was shocked. It’s common to come in contact with high voltage lines and wires when working with scaffolding, cranes, and metal ladders, and these shocks can result in falls, injuries, and even death.
Causes of electrocution accidents 

  • Inappropriate ground protection
  • Direct contact with high voltage power lines
  • Not adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Improper extension cord use


Common injuries resulting from an electrocution accident on a construction site include:

  • Brain injury
  • Burns
  • Death
  • Hearing loss and damage
  • Heart damage
  • Organ damage
  • Nerve damage
  • Vision problems


When it comes to suffering an electrocution injury on a construction site, your finances will suffer as well as your physical health. Workers’ compensation laws are in place to to provide benefits to those injured on the job, and in most cases, you’re unable to sue your employer directly. However, in many states, you can sue other responsible parties, like the property owner for premise liability, third-party contractors, or equipment manufacturers for product liability if they were negligent or at fault.
At Fitz Law, we’ll explain the entire process so you know what’s going on and what to expect at all times.

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